Certification Program ‘Life is a Game, Play it

The Department of Management, TIIPS organized the second session of the Certification Program ‘Life is a Game, Play it’ for students of BBA (Ist, IIIrd, Vth) & BCA-I semester on Wdenesday, 28th December 2022 in association with Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation. The topic of the Seminar was ‘Key to Relationships'.  The session was conducted by Mr. Rajesh Chaubey, Mr. Ashish and Maj. Suchiter from SSSSO. The objective of this Program is to help young students develop wholesome personality, and positive attitudes and bring out inherent human values. The speaker cited many real-life experiences to help understand the importance of relationships and ways to nurture it. Students participated in the seminar with great enthusiasm.


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